LEGOLAND Discovery Center Atlanta

When the concierge at his hotel mentioned there was a Legoland nearby, he made the pilgrimage there, only to find it had just closed for the day.

Time for him to put down his camera and use his computer to look up store hours 🙂

Maybe tomorrow…

Unexpected diversion – CAE, SC

The plane touchdown woke him up from his interrupted sleep, but even through his groggy eyes, this did not look like Atlanta. Apparently thunderstorms and aircraft congestion diverted his plane to Columbia, South Carolina.

His congestion is not happy being locked up in a metal tube with recirculated air for a few more hours than necessary…

Sometimes blip happens!

Highrise reflections of sunrise

Lego woke up to this view from the 42nd floor of the Marriott Marquis Atlanta and was trying to capture sunrise reflecting on the glass facade of the Westin Peachtree. Also seen is 191 Peachtree, the Georgia Pacific building, and if you look really really closely above his SLR lens, the golden dome of Georgia State Capitol.

Watching a Mobile Lounge at Washington Dulles

Change in focus today since a mobile lounge may not be easily recognizable – focus on the mobile lounge, not the Lego. Washington Dulles (IAD) is one of the few airports that still have them.