How I shot an elephant…

… long story short, Lego saw the elephant in the arrivals hall of Terminal B of Newark International Airport and shot it.

Oddly enough, even when I don’t travel, I end up going to the airport 🙂

Cinco de Mayo… not!

Still recovering, Lego is drained and could not enjoy Cinco 🙁

However, that bed / table that he’s on is from the recent obsession of one son with origami…

Stay hydrated…

So the stomach bug led to losing 4 lbs since yesterday… but since most of it is water, it’ll come back 🙁

All liquid diet today to stay hydrated…

Liberator of the trapped

Lego noticed a ladybug trapped in a dandelion puff. He huffed and puffed and helped the ladybug escape.

A stomach bug meant the trip to the library was second and last excursion out of home today…

I’ve avoided collages even when tempted (like yesterday when I had multiple nice images), but this one was needed for context…

Celebrating Maharashtra Day

The wife and kids were invited to perform traditional dances of Maharashtra (a state in India where Bombay / Mumbai are) at the Indian consulate in New York City to celebrate Maharashtra Day (May 1).

They did a great job, and Lego was on camera duty… He got a few more pics, but this one of the camera-shy wife at the Indian consulate is what best covers today…

Should have packed lighter

That’s one big bag at Atlanta airport (at the North terminal arrival lot).

I’m glad I did not have that big a bag today… Flight home got canceled (hate that!), got on another flight on another airline, and went standby on an earlier flight. Got the last middle seat at the back of the plane, but no overhead space. That’s where my fit-anywhere weekly travel bag came in handy.

A bag like this, I would have had to check in, and never made it home in time for the kids’ activity…

Travel much?

What? Me jump from floor 47?

He’s gone from [i]not [/i]skydiving from [url=]a plane at 36,000 ft[/url], and [url=]floor 73[/url] to not jumping from the topmost floor of the Marriott Marquis Atlanta.

Enjoying the view

After a very long time, got upgraded to a suite, on the topmost floor (47th) of the Marriott Marquis.

Woke up to rain and strong whistling winds outside, but it was cozy inside with a cuppa tea!

Had to do a panaromic, hopefully Lego is not lost in the pic (spot the Lego!)