Tired Trenching A Tiny Lawn

Tiny lawn, but trenching and widening the flower bed area is a tiring and turned out to be a 4 hour process.

Wonder when he’s going to mulch that area… maybe another weekend

Elephant Stampede – RUN!

Opening night at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Legends circus show, and Lego made sure he went an hour early for the pre-show to get a close up in the ring. The performers and dogs were fun, but then they brought out elephun!

He took pics as the elephant shot hoops and then painted, but then the elephant had his eye on Lego…. Run, Lego Run!

Shopping for vegetable plants

It’s that time of year again… past the last frost for our region (typically Mother’s Day). At the local greenhouse, ended up buying:
– tomatoes (of course)
– sweet peppers
– okra
– eggplant
– beans

Here’s hoping for a good crop this summer

Mother’s Day Spin

One of the communion gifts had this Lego set which my son set up and was graciously offered to use as a prop for my blip.

So here’s a blip of an nice ride – top up and taking the wife for a spin. If we had a boat 🙂