
Lego looks for any remaining traces of chicken in the sea of chillies. This started off as a chicken dish with chillies and by the time it made its way around the dinner table, ended up being a vegetarian chilly dish!

Where am I?

Lego wondered where he was when he sees Noah’s ark… The iron and the sewing machine hint that he’s at a laundromat in Atlanta (nestled in the sewing machine)… but Noah’s ark?

UFO? Drone? Spy machine?

Lego tries to shoot the grounded UFO that fell into the neighbors yard… The grinding noise from above followed by a thud and the alien-like green and blue lights got his attention.

“Made in China” – could this be one of those surveillance drones?

Since it was not carrying any packages, Lego decided that it wasn’t an Amazon delivery drone from the brand-spanking new warehouse a few miles away

A little drama for the weekend


Lego does a Sheldon (Big Bang Theory) popup – in a cup of chocolate covered raisins – Bazinga!!