Hershey, PA

“That character is so sweet, I could eat it!” thought Lego as he looked at the human sized Hershey chocolate bar…

Closer look with binoculars

Lego uses his binoculars to get a closer look at those tiny letters – those binoculars have some impressive magnification!

Yes, it’s the CNN HQ in Atlanta, GA

Indian Independence Day Parade

At the start of the Indian Independence Day parade in Edison, NJ. Walked 1 1/2 miles on Oak Tree Road with the troupe, met Bollywood stars and performed at the end.

The heat made it a long, tiring day…

FYI, Indian Independence Day is August 15…

Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom

Went on Zumanjaro Drop of Doom at Six Flags today- the tallest drop tower in the world. After slowly ascending 415 ft on the face of KingdaKa, we had a free fall down at 90 mph.

Look closely and you will see the ride on it’s way down in the background!

More: [url=https://www.sixflags.com/greatadventure/zumanjaro/overview]https://www.sixflags.com/greatadventure/zumanjaro/overview[/url]

Piano Man

Lego tries to imitate “Tom-Hanks- iconic-[i]Chopsticks[/i]-dance-from-Big”.

No, I didn’t get an upgraded hotel room this week, but my colleague got the Piano suite.